Dekel Mordechay was established in 1983 as a tax advisory firm, and in 1991 became a CPA firm. Our range of services includes accounting, bookkeeping, consultation & assistance in opening new businesses, auditing, payroll administration, tax refunds for salaried employees and representation before tax authorities. We provide services for a wide range of clients: - Small and medium enterprises
- Self-enployed individuals
- Private companies
- Nonprofit organizations
- Foreign residents obliged to report their income in Israel
- Israeli residents obliged to report their income abroad
- Salaried employees requesting tax refunds
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Dekel Mordechay (CPA) – firm founder - Born 1952, Married + 3
- B.A., Accounting & Statistics (Tel Aviv University)
- Licensed CPA since 1991
- Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) in the Israeli Navy
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Dekel Iris – certified tax advisor - An experienced accountant and payroll
- administrator
- Senior bookkeeper in several associations
- Tax advisor for private companies
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Rachel Margi – accountant - B.A., Business Administration & Accounting (The College of Management)
- Licensed CPA since 2004
- Officer (ret.) in the Military Adjutancy
- Specializes in the auditing of private companies and nonprofits
- Preparation of various reports for individual clients
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Zimiring Hila – accountant - B.A., Business Administration & Accounting (The College of Management Hezeliya)
- Licensed CPA since 2004
- Specializes in the auditing of private companies and nonprofits
- Preparation of various reports for individual
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The firm's staff also includes six certified experienced bookkeepers, who specialize in bookkeeping and tax advisement. provide bookkeeping and controllership services for the firm's clients. In addition, the firm's staff includes 6 certified accountants, specializing in accountancy and tax consultancy, as well as account management and salary calculation for various clients. | |
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